Build Your Edge Through Communications

In Anthropology we study in depth how cultures are formed. We examine human development, linguistics, rituals, and the structures of society to better understand how communities come together. So when you are gearing up to build a brand that is a culture, put on your anthropological hat and look from a researcher's perspective. 

There are key elements to keep in mind when your brand is building an edge through communications. 


Copy that Matters & Converts

Solid Content tends to do one of three things: educate, inspire, or evoke. Educational content remains one of the most powerful fuels behind SEO (Search Engine Optimization) while inspiring content and content that evokes a response remains the most influential on social platforms. To have a well-rounded approach in your business communication that converts, the aim is to cover all your bases with copy that aligns well with your business goals. It's getting good at the WHAT you create before worrying about WHERE to share it. 

As a team or all by yourself, you can do an exercise that we often teach called the CREATIVE BRAIN DUMP. All you need is a stack of Post-its, a pen, and time. Essentially this is where you look at the upcoming month and ask yourself what your audience would find MOST supportive and write down every single idea on a Post-it. Keep thinking and writing post-its until you are all out of ideas. Step away for half an hour and go for a walk, shake your body, reset, and come back to the post-its. Arrange them by looking for common themes, ones that feel the most potent, ones that you can see the potential. On a wall or large piece of paper write the theme that calls to your audience at the top. Under the theme stick the content topics that came to mind. Under the content topics start planning out the ways the content will get created. 

Well Placed & Timed Messaging 

When you build a solid plan for content creation and execute that well, you are in a place now to decide how you will share your content. We own businesses during a moment in time when visuals matter and emotion runs high. What that means is if you deliver your content at the right time and it visually appeals to your viewer you have won half the battle. Consider your geographical reach. What time zone are your viewers in? If you're global, pay attention to your viewer data. Usually, social posts run best when they are received on lunch breaks and post-dinner times. Newsletters are best sent during business hours when people are in their inboxes. The closer you are to your audience the better. WhatsApp and Text Messaging are the new personalized email. Getting that information from your audience is earned through trust and should definitely be on your 2023 marketing goals.  

Consistency = Trust 

Trust is a key ingredient to a healthy culture. To build trust, you want to show you can be consistent with your services, messaging, and frequency.  Consistency yields results. Think about treating your audience as you would someone you had just started dating. Giving time, consistency, and care to your customer journey shows that you value their eyes and ears. As a potential purchaser, I want it to be easy to interact with you, book with you, and purchase from you. Some great tips for consistency: map out your customer journey to see how often they hear from you, and use a project management tool like Gainapp to organize your content communications both internal and external. 


Understand your Audience


Radical Tips for a Sales-Centric Culture